The National Lottery Community Fund: Young People in the Lead advisory panel #CreateYourFuture

The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest funder of Children and young people activity across the UK.

Over a third of our funding goes to the smallest of grassroots groups right up to large UK-wide charities to ensure children and young people thrive. We therefore have big plans for 2020 and beyond as we work to make sure young people’s voices are included in all our work, whether it’s through the grants we make, the people we influence or the things we learn.

We strongly believe that when people are in the lead, communities thrive. So we have recruited 10 dynamic young people from across the projects we currently fund to work closely with our Head of Youth Voice and partner with us throughout 2020.

Through the Young People in the Lead advisory panel, we aim to meet the issues young people and their communities are facing head on, with the aim of steering significant and positive change in communities.

The Young People in the Lead team meet monthly with the Head of Youth Voice and decide as a team what work to focus on and how it should be achieved. They also receive support and guidance from our staff as part of a tailored training package to develop their skills and experience.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss the group further, please don’t hesitate to contact our Head of Youth Voice, Jo Rich

Learn more about YPILs achievements and the role of Head of Youth voice at the Fund.

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