Digital Support Officer, Go M.A.D Ltd – LE12 8RS – Apply By 30th September #WMKickstartJobs

Go M.A.D. Thinking are looking to employ 100 young adults as Digital Support Officers.

This role is a crucial part of the company’s project to create 100 million Light Bulb Moments by 2023 and improve your world through better thinking’.

The company believe that it is our responsibility to support future generations want to empower young people, like you, with the right thinking and the right skills for the future.

As a Digital Support Officer, you will take part in the world’s best 6-month work placement programme (designed by us!) to develop you into a Changemaker for the future with skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life: socially and professionally.

You will work within one of the company’s departments (administration, marketing, operations and IT) on real projects offering you the opportunity to learn and gain experience for your future roles.

During your time on placement you will learn how to use our proven Go M.A.D. Thinking methods and techniques to improve your thinking, build your confidence and find out how you can help others.

You will also benefit from our commitment to support your development for the next 10 years.

Access to a laptop, video recording equipment (smartphone or other) and internet access are essential for this role, if you would like information on how Jobcentre can support with this, speak to your work coach. 


You must be aged 16-24 and in receipt of Universal Credit to apply for these opportunities. You cannot apply for a Kickstart Placement directly with an employer. You need to be referred to these opportunities by your Work Coach. 

If you are interested in this vacancy, please contact your Job Centre Work Coach and mention the Job Title, Employer Name & Associated Postcode.

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