Business Development, CG 199 Ltd – B8 1NJ – Apply By 1st September #WMKickstartJobs

You will part of a team who manages the business development side of the business (Restaurant).

You will be involved in posting on social media, creating new offers, engaging with customers on the social media platforms.

There is some admin work involved to make sure all the invoices are filled correctly.

Essentially, for this job we are looking for someone with a lot of energy and fresh ideas to help grow the business.


You must be aged 16-24 and in receipt of Universal Credit to apply for these opportunities. You cannot apply for a Kickstart Placement directly with an employer. You need to be referred to these opportunities by your Work Coach. 

If you are interested in this vacancy, please contact your Job Centre Work Coach and mention the Job Title, Employer Name & Associated Postcode.

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