Production Assistant, The People’s Orchestra – B70 8DY – Apply By 31st August #WMKickstartJobs

The people’s orchestra was founded in 2012.

As an arts council England funded project. 

The people’s orchestras became the very first orchestra in the UK to become a charitably incorporated organisation (CIO).

The orchestra is recruiting for a production assistant through the kickstart scheme.

As a production assistant you will provide creative production support for key projects.

Projects are varied and include music production/arranging, creative writing, creative music theory courses and educational outreach work.

To be eligible for this role you will be enthusiastic about providing support to help set up new projects and are interested in the charity sector and making a difference.

You must be aged 16-24 and in receipt of Universal Credit to apply for these opportunities. You
cannot apply for a Kickstart Placement directly with an employer. You need to be referred to
these opportunities by your Work Coach.

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