Juned meets BlastBeat’s young people

Hello everyone, my name is Juned and I’m an ambassador for YEUK.

During a blitz of a start to the spring term I had the opportunity to meet a group of amazing students from Bristnall Hall Academy in Birmingham. More specifically, a group of talented musicians!

Working in partnership with Blast Beats, led by Kit Showande an inspirational leader for these young individuals, I took a sneak peak at what they had in store for May!

Let me quickly introduce you to the team, we have Chandra and Tori who are on the Community Team, Sean and David, the Events Team, Dave who leads the Business Team and finally Brad, the CEO! How amazing does that sound?! Youngest CEO I’ve ever met.

Blast Beats is an organisation that works to support people to put on concerts for charity. People can raise the awareness of charities and showcase local talent. These teams can go through to finals and win amazing prizes, what’s even more amazing is that it is free to become a member!
Blast Beats works in partnership with Bristnall Hall Academy, Holly Lodge School, George Salters and Sandwell.

How it all began, Blast Beats went into Bristnall Hall Academy and introduced themselves and they have been working together since October 2013! They used to meet every Wednesday after school for an hour, but recently it has been once every two weeks. We all need time to revise, yes I know, exams, snore, but education is important!

So, what are these talented students doing now? They are currently striving to host an acoustic event showcasing local talent at their school, working with Young Carers Charity to raise issues amongst the local community in Sandwell. Not only do they provide entertainment but also striving for a good cause.

So what has Blast Beats done for these students?  Blast Beats (Kit Showande) mentors these students. What they had to say! Blast beats has increased their confidence, Sean feels before Blast Beats he was unable to approach new people and talk to them. Tori has gained experience in public speaking rather than relying on other people. David believes it has increased his business acumen in terms of how to organise an event and Dave feels as though he has generated life skills that he can take into other aspects of his life. Chandra feels as though she has learnt how to delegate tasks and take the initiative to create their own opportunities. She even had the confidence to email her local MP to provide support to their cause and has a meeting pending, result!

Empowering young people to pursue their dreams and supporting their causes. What happens next?
If they don’t carry on with Blast Beats, they can transfer their skills into other projects and continue with their music but they would love to carry on the Blast Beats brand. CEO Brad aspires to become a songwriter! Don’t forget us when you’re famous Brad!

The students work under their company title ‘Rapture Experience Events’ how cool does that sound. Not only does their work add to their CV, it allows them to enjoy what they’re doing, creates a sense of community in the local area and provide them with a platform to flourish.

Kit believes that Blast Beats enables young people to develop the skills to create their own organisations and Blast Beats will be there to support them. A touching moment, Kit believes Blast Beats has provided these students with skills to have their own family, looking out for the future!
Kit wants the current group to become mentors for the next generation, in which they can provide support and share their skills and knowledge.

Rapture Experience Events will be holding their acoustic concert on the 2nd May 2014 at Bristnall Hall Academy, priced modestly, £3 per adult and £1 per child! Be sure to support the cause!

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