National Youth Offer: Over 18

What would you like to know?

I’m thinking about study

What to study?

Tip: Did you know that there are options to suit how you learn, with ways to earn a salary and get paid to study for a qualification at the same time?

College & University Apprenticeships Higher & Degree Apprenticeships School Leaver Programmes

If you need more support, there are programmes and support systems designed to help you. Organisations are on hand to support you in times of challenge.

I’m thinking about careers

National Careers Service

What is it? It offers impartial careers guidance and help. Get in touch through their website, web chat and helpline.

National Careers Service

Not sure about career steps?

You’ve got plenty of time. Now’s a great time in your life to explore a few options and start thinking about your strengths and interests.

Career ideas to explore

I need help and support

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Whatever kind of help and support you need, you can reach out to a number of organisations who will put your safety and wellbeing first.

Student Minds

UK mental health charity with support for university students.

The Mix

Free, confidential support for 13-25 year olds.

Additional Needs & Inclusion

If you have a disability, or SEN (Special Educational Needs) or you are vulnerable due to your background or circumstances, a number of organisations and programmes are on hand to help.

Care Leaver Covenant

Employment support for care leavers aged up to 25.

Preparing for Adulthood

Young people with SEN can learn about Supported Internships and more.

Need to talk to someone?

The National Careers Service is here to help.

National Careers Service Website

So what are you waiting for? Grab your future.