Youth Employment UK provides support to the Greater Manchester CA Youth Guarantee Task Force

Youth Employment UK has been chosen to provide strategic support as Mayor Andy Burnham launches a specialist Youth Task Force to support the young people of Greater Manchester.

In June 2020 the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, announced his appointment of Diane Modahl as Chair of the new Youth Task Force – which will help to develop a Young Person’s Guarantee in Greater Manchester.

The Task Force is the driving force behind the Guarantee and will be set up in response to the impact which the COVID-19 crisis is having, and is likely to have, on young people.

Protecting and progressing young people’s future is key, particularly around securing future prosperity.

Youth Employment UK are providing strategic support to the Task Force team and will be leading on the development of the Youth Advisory Group as well as providing support to all the work streams of the Task Force.

Now recruiting: Young people aged 11-30 for the Youth Advisory Group

The Task Force, led by Diane, has launched a recruitment campaign to invite young people from the Greater Manchester are to join its Youth Advisory Group. Young people aged 11-30 are invited to apply and help shape the development of the Guarantee and the work of the Task Force.

Find out more about the role here and if you would like to apply to join the Youth Advisory Group you can complete the short application here. Closing date is the 2nd August with the first Youth Advisory Group meeting to be held online on the 7th August.

The Guarantee will focus on four key areas:

  1. Keeping connected – Increased challenges caused because of social and digital exclusion, particularly amongst young people who are most disconnected and disadvantaged.
    Staying well – greater risk of poorer mental health and well-being caused by social isolation, reductions in support and increased anxiety about the future.
    Preparing for transition back into work and/or education – Increased chances of young people experiencing longer-term labour market inequalities and challenges because of the consequences of the pandemic.
    Reducing economic inequalities – greater risk of poorer transitions from school and college, particularly for those young people in Years 11 and 13, and for those seeking employment.

Who is the Young Person’s Guarantee for?

The scope of the Guarantee, and remit of the Task Force, will be to help young people in Greater Manchester from age 11 up to 30-years-old. The Guarantee will be co-designed by the young people of Greater Manchester.

Development of the Guarantee will include a programme of direct engagement with young people and youth organisations, along with colleges, training providers and businesses as part of a co-designed process with young people at the centre. This will take place over the next three months concluding in September with a delivery programme agreed beyond this point. A series of face-to-face chats and virtual round tables/discussions are in the process of being organised and people can feed in at

Once the Task Force is agreed it will be their responsibility to shape the Guarantee and be held accountable for its success. It is envisaged this will go on beyond September 2020.

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