Welcoming Our New Non-Executive Directors to the Youth Employment UK Board

At Youth Employment UK, our mission is to create a world where every young person has access to quality opportunities that help them reach their full potential. As we continue to grow and expand our impact each year, we are delighted to introduce 4 new Non-Executive Directors to our board: John Cope, Charlotte Bosworth, Jennifer Coupland, and Ciara O’Donnell.

Their passion, experience, and commitment to tackling youth unemployment will play a key role in shaping our work and the future of youth employment.

Bringing Expertise and Dedication to our Board

Each of our non-Executive Directors has a unique journey that aligns with our mission, bringing fresh perspectives and invaluable dedication to the cause.

Jennifer Coupland

Jennifer has dedicated her career to shaping education and skills policy, leading initiatives to improve apprenticeship and technical education across the UK.

She has dedicated over 20 years to leading policy and delivering Government skills, education and training policy. With previous work in the Department for Work and Pensions, the Business Department and the Department for Education, Jennifer has also led as the CEO at the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE). She has recently taken up a secondment to London South Bank University where she is Pro-Vice Chancellor, Skills Portfolio.

Jennifer has previously served for 3 years on the Council of the University of Roehampton. She is currently a trustee of World Skills UK, a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Fellow of the RSA.

“I’m delighted to be joining the board of Youth Employment UK. Early in my career, I led the DfE team tasked with reducing the number of young people not in education, employment and training and it’s been an issue close to my heart ever since. With 1 in 8 young people NEET and numbers rising, it’s a scandalous waste of potential and really damaging for the young people who find themselves in this situation. I’m looking forward to working with LJ, Stewart and all the team at Youth Employment UK to help the organisation grow its reach and impact in this space.”

John Cope

John has a deep understanding of the changing landscape of skills and careers. His passion for education and social justice is deeply personal. Born to a 14-year-old mother on a council estate, he spent time in foster care before being adopted – an experience that shapes his commitment to tackling major social challenges and expanding opportunity.

Before standing for Parliament in 2024, John was Executive Director at UCAS, where he launched a new corporate strategy and led the integration of apprenticeships. Alongside this, he was appointed by the Government to the IfATE board, which oversees the skills system in England, and the Digital Skills Council. He was previously a co-founder of the Education Policy Institute, an advisor to several Education Ministers, and advised business leaders on labour markets and education while at the CBI.

He is currently a strategic advisor to a portfolio of schools, colleges, universities, employers, edtech firms, and charities, as well as serving on the advisory boards of College Online & the Access Project, non-executive director of the Ufi VocTech Trust, and the LGA’s Children & Young People Board. He was recently elected national chairman of the Conservative Councillors’ Association, which represents and supports over 5,000 local councillors.

“With nearly a million young people now without a job or training, vacancies falling as the economy falters, and technology driving huge changes in the way we work, the work of Youth Employment UK couldn’t be more critical. It’s a privilege to support their mission to ensure more young people and businesses get access to the support they offer.”

Ciara O’Donnell

Ciara brings a voice of lived experience. With experience as one of our Youth Ambassadors, she has already significantly contributed to Youth Employment UK’s mission.

Starting as an engineering apprentice in 2020 (specifically Control & Instrumentation), she qualified in 2023 as a Maintenance Practitioner before moving into Technical Authoring. Throughout her apprenticeship, Ciara encouraged more young people, especially women, to explore STEM opportunities.

She has also spoken at many events, including All Party Parliamentary Group meetings, Youth Voice Census report launches and the Apprenticeships and Training Conference.

Ciara is looking forward to taking her commitment even further, continuing her journey with Youth Employment UK as a Non-Executive Director:

“I’m really excited to be joining Youth Employment UK’s Non-Executive Board and to work with the team to help empower and encourage young people to explore all of the opportunities available to them.”

Charlotte Bosworth

Charlotte is Managing Director of Innovate Awarding which is a regulated Awarding Body and End Point Assessment Organisation focused on providing the best chance of assessment success for Apprentices, Employers and Providers. Her career within Education commenced in 1996 with RSA Examinations Board and she has vast experience in curriculum, assessment and qualification design.

She has spent much of her career working in partnership with thought leaders in education to influence curriculum delivery and development, and to ensure best practice is assimilated into the development of qualifications, assessments and delivery. Much of Charlotte’s work has included building relationships and interpreting the needs of employers. In addition, Charlotte is Chair of The Federation of Awarding Bodies, a Board member of AELP and Vice Chair at Walsall College.

Looking Ahead at the Next 2 Years

The expertise of John, Charlotte, Jennifer, and Ciara will be instrumental in driving our 2025-2030 strategy, ensuring that we continue to advocate for and amplify the voices of young people and work closely with employers, educators, and policymakers.

Our Board Chair says:

“I am delighted to welcome Ciara, Charlotte, Jennifer, and John to the Youth Employment UK Board. They bring a wealth of experience, diverse perspectives, and a passion for supporting young people. As we embark on our ambitious 2025-2030 strategy, their expertise will be invaluable in navigating the challenges and driving meaningful change for young people across the UK.” – Stewart Segal, Youth Employment UK board chair

We are excited for the journey ahead and look forward to working together to make a lasting impact on youth employment in the UK.

For more information, please email info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.

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As experts on youth employment and co-founders of the Youth Employment Group, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, employers and policy makers.