Digital Edge – Work Experience

Digital Edge – Work Experience opportunity
  • Industry: Digital
  • Salary:
  • Working hours:
  • Education requirements:
  • Qualification requirements:
  • Apply by: Ongoing
  • Start date: Ongoing
  • Apply now
OVERVIEW Delivering training to support people from underserved communities to access a digital apprenticeship or entry-level job with a local employer within Microsoft’s network of customers and partners. WHAT DO PARTICIPANTS GET? • an understanding of digital apprenticeships and entry-level IT jobs, • an insight into the digital and technology sector, • awareness of key employability skills, • learned how to complete a tailored CV, cover letter, and applications for the technology sector, • developed their interview skills and techniques, and • the ability to set future career goals. WHO’S IT FOR? Age – 18+ years old Location – London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, the North East or the South West Length – 3-4 weeks Employment status - Participants are not in full education, training or employment