Youth Employment UK launches new Youth Friendly MP Charter

youth friendly mp

Youth Employment UK has today launched a campaign to encourage all MPs to sign up to a #YouthFriendlyMP Charter to help them better understand the barriers and challenges facing young people in their constituencies.

In May Youth Employment UK published their 2019 Youth Voice Census, a survey capturing the experiences of more than 3000 14-24-year old’s as they transition between education and employment. The survey revealed that young people fear that where they live, a lack of experience, and a perceived lack of jobs, as well as mental health challenges, will prevent them from finding work .

Youth Employment UK wants to support MPs to better understand that their power and influence at a local level can help address these barriers so that all young people have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

youth friendly mp

To recognise the work they already do and to highlight what more can be done, Youth Employment UK with the support of the APPG for Youth Employment, are inviting all MPs to sign the Youth Friendly MP Charter. Signing the Charter pledges support to five key principles of youth employment based upon the Youth Friendly Employer Mark:

Youth Voice – listening to young people in order to understand their barriers and challenges to employment, and work to help them to overcome these challenges.

Developing Young People – supporting quality learning and development opportunities for all young people, advocating education and training pathways that meet the needs of individuals.

Creating Opportunities – Supporting good quality youth employment and recognising those Youth Friendly Employers that are leading the way in offering quality early careers, work experience and employment opportunities to young people.

Recognising Young Talent – Celebrating the important role young people play in our local economy as employees, apprentices, and graduates, and their role in our local community through social action and volunteering.

Fair Employment – Helping to ensure that young people are treated fairly in the work they do.

The campaign is also a call for MP’s to lead the charge for creating Youth Friendly Communities; communities where every stakeholder (young people, government, educator, employer, parent, youth group etc) is working together to create a place where all young people can fulfil their potential.

To help MPs take some next steps to fulfil their Charter commitment, Youth Employment UK have developed a practical signposting resource, in partnership with Careers and Enterprise Company, Pearson and National Citizen Service.

We are delighted that Metropolitan Mayor Andy Street, Michael Tomlinson MP (Chair of the APPG for Youth Employment) and Cat Smith MP (Shadow Minister for Shadow Minister for Voter Engagement and Youth Affairs) have all agreed to support the Charter and the #YouthFriendlyMP Campaign.

Notes to editors

About Youth Employment UK

Youth Employment UK is a not-for-profit that was set up in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment. Understanding the complex landscape and needs of both young people and employers, Youth Employment UK has become a leading expert on youth employment and unemployment in the UK.

Young people need a voice in the decisions being made which impact them, while developing their personal and work ready skills. Youth Employment UK not only puts young people at the heart of what we do, we have also lead the way to bringing young people’s voices and experience to the forefront of policy and service design. Youth Employment UK provides support and guidance to a range of government departments, employers, youth organisations and works in collaboration with a number of key partners.

youth ambassadors group

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Youth Employment

The APPG for Youth Employment was set up in 2014. The group has a number of aims; to promote youth employment in all its forms and the role young people play in the economy, to ensure young people’s voices are heard, to highlight the need for quality opportunities, and to share best practice.

‘Employer support for youth employment’ is Series Five in the report series from the APPG for Youth Employment. In this series, the APPG looked to explore the level of employer support for youth employment, where there might be tensions in the system and what is working well. Previously the group has reviewed youth unemployment data, the transition between education and employment, supporting young people furthest from the labour market and the role the family plays in social mobility.

  • For all media enquiries please contact Laura Gibbon at or on 07834 434630.
  • Representatives from Youth Employment UK, and young people from its network, are available for interviews.


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