Explore accountancy careers with NHS Foundation – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Interested in maths, accountancy – want to see the careers it can lead to? Come along and meet the team who pay the largest workforce in the country at the NHS on 27 June 2023.

Closing Date: 20 June 2023

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About the opportunity

At this Virtual Insight Day you will get:

  • An overview of the payroll officer – what do we do, day to day responsibilities
  • A service overview – Payroll, payroll benefits, expenses, pensions and customer service
  • Career journeys
  • Meet some of our current apprentices
  • Promotion of career opportunities available
  • Discussion of career progression pathways
  • What employability skills you need to work in payroll

How To Apply

Click the button below to find out more and apply.

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Discover Youth Friendly Employers

Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.