Explore careers with NHS Foundation – Speakers For Schools: #CreateYourFuture

Speakers For Schools are holding a Virtual Insight Day on 3 July 2023 where you can explore careers within medicine, public health and knowledge services.

Closing Date: 25 June 2023

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About the opportunity

Northumbria NHS Foundation will provide you with an Insight into Medicine, Public Health and Knowledge Services, meeting professionals from these areas.

What will be covered


  • A day in the life of a Doctor
  • What it takes to undergo medical school and training
  • What different specialities are available in medicine, including radiology and surgery
  • What can you do now to help with your decision?

Public Health

  • What is public health
  • What careers are available in public health (e.g. medicine, nursing, midwifery, data analysis, admin etc.)
  • How to approach a career in public health
  • What can you do now to help with your decision?

Medical Education

  • Overview of Library and Information/Knowledge Services
  • Range of different pathways and areas under that blanket term (not just books – includes research, customer service/support services etc/archive work).
  • Routes in to Library/Knowledge Services.

How To Apply

Click the button below to find out more and apply.

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Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.