Understanding Credit & Debt Discovery Workshop with Chartered Insurance Institute – #CreateYourFuture

Help your students understand debit, credit & debt. Book this discovery workshop on personal finance from Chartered Insurance Institute.

Buy now, pay later? Have you wondered how this works?

We are delighted to offer this insight session into personal finance on the topic of understanding debit, credit & debt. The session will also allow students to understand more about a career in personal finance and routes into the sector.

Following this workshop, students will:

  • Understand the difference between debit, credit and debt
  • Be aware of different types of credit and the importance of APR
  • Understand the difference between `good` and `bad` debt
  • Recognise that you have choices, each of which have consequences

This workshop will be co delivered with our volunteers from the personal finance industry.

This is great for young people who want to understand more about their own personal finance to make informed decisions when they reach age 18.

Students will also get the opportunity to speak with a personal finance professional about their career path and seek advice and support on careers in the industry as part of the session.


Loaction: UK wide

Date: 28/02/2023

Time: 9:30am – 11:00am

Ages: 14-18

Application Closing Date: 24/02/2023

To book a workshop for your students please use the booking form.

Book A workshop

Discover Youth Friendly Employers

Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.