McDonald’s Management Degree Apprenticeships for school leavers

Did you know?

This apprenticeship is for school leavers who can gain a BA honours degree in management over 5 years whilst working in a restaurant. Experience, education and a salary: at McDonald’s, you can earn while you learn, and secure yourself a bright future career.

Get a salary and cost-free degree

Bringing together on-job training, our training curriculum, and a BA (Hons) Business Management Professional (Retail) degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, we’ll provide you with all the tools, training and support you need to become part of the next generation of outstanding McDonald’s managers.

Here’s what you’ll learn…

Throughout the programme, you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of running a busy restaurant from managing accounts, to handling stock, to learning how to be an inspirational leader. Based at one of our restaurants, you’ll see first-hand how to get the best out of your team, and be given real managerial responsibility from the start – so you can start applying what you’ve learnt straightaway. Three to four times a year, you’ll study on block release at Manchester Met, learning business theory and using it to complement and enhance your on-job training. We’re always updating the course content and structure to reflect the changing business environment, making sure our managers are always ahead of the curve. If you’re interested in great experience, sponsored education and a competitive salary, scroll down to find out more.

Your career prospects are bright

There are few bigger brands in the world than McDonald’s. We have restaurants across the world – but we haven’t forgotten our roots as a family restaurant. That’s why we make sure to take care of our employees. We offer exceptional benefits and considerable opportunities for training, development and progression for everyone on our teams.
On our Management Degree Apprenticeship Programme, we’ll give you all the support you need to lead one of our restaurants in the future. Rewarding you for your service and making sure you’re developing at the right pace is deeply important to us: that’s why we’re clear about what we offer, and how we plan to help you progress here.

Get an accredited business degree

BA (Hons) Business Management Professional (Retail) degree

Manchester Metropolitan University is a double-accredited business school, having gained the prestigious AACSB accreditation to provide excellence in global management education. This places them among the top 5% of business schools worldwide to have secured this accreditation, and means your degree is internationally recognised.

PLUS: CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership

The BA (Hons) Business Management Professional in Retail is accredited by the CMI, which means you can also obtain the CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership on successful completion of your studies, in addition to your degree. The CMI accreditation also enables you to join the Institute as a student member and register for Chartered Manager status on completion of your studies.

PLUS: Level 3 Apprenticeship

As part of the course, you will complete your Level 3 Apprenticeship in Hospitality Supervision.

Entry Requirements


We look for 104–112 UCAS points at A2 – usually BCC or BBC. You could also have an alternative, like a BTEC Subsidiary Diploma, Diploma, or Extended Diploma at Grade 3 (with grades DMM). You’ll need GCSE grade C or grade 4 in English Language, Maths, and (preferably) ICT. We also consider non-standard applications on a case-by-case basis.


We’re looking for people that are comfortable rolling up their sleeves and getting involved. Quick learners that have providing a great customer experience and delivering high standards at the top of their minds. The ability to maintain high energy levels whilst working efficiently is also essential. Finally, we are looking for those that have an aptitude towards problem solving, decision making and motivating, leading and inspiring people.

McDonald's Careers Information

McDonald’s Careers

McDonald’s are a Youth Friendly Employer who can help you get far in life. Did you know they can fast-track you into business management with their Degree Apprenticeships? Discover McDonald’s Careers