Money Skills and Student Finance

There’s never a bad time to think about making your cash go further

At school, at college, at uni and beyond… whatever your plans are, money often plays a key part. Not sure if you can afford uni? Or you want to make your money go a bit further? Maybe you want to see if you’re eligible for funding, or you want to start your own business? We’re here to support you with advice and free resources to help those pennies turn into pounds, and those pounds turn into freedom.

Money Skills and Student Finance Tips

Extension to the Household Suport Fund

Get Discounted Travel as a Care Leaver in London – Find Out How

What’s the Difference between JSA and Universal Credit? A Young Person’s Guide

Looking for work experience? Here’s how Jobcentre Plus can help

How can the carer’s allowance help young carers: Jobcentre Plus support

What is student finance and how can Jobcentre Plus help me?

How to get pension and money savvy! #PensionAwarenessWeek

Make Student Finance And Uni Applications Easier With The HMRC App and Digital National Insurance Number

Get Confident with Finance During Global Money Week 2023

First job? Understand tax and check your details with the HMRC app

Feel Like Quitting University? Read This First.

The Cost of Living – Young People’s Personal Experiences

Listen to the ‘Surviving the Cost of Living Crisis’ series from BBC Radio 4

Broadband social tariff could get you discounts if you’re on benefits

understanding student loans 2

How to Cope at University if Your Student Loan is Late

Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card

Zero Hours Contracts: Advice for Students

How To Save Money At University And Stretch Your Student Loan

check your payslip travel time

Did you know that ANY travel that’s part of your job counts as paid working time?

NUS apprentice extra discount card

NUS Apprentice Extra – the discount card for UK apprentices!

Money for life pennies to pounds app

Money for life – free savings app turns pennies into pounds

first job finance tips

First job finance – 10 tips to help you stretch your budget beyond pay day

Money for Life Elearning videos

Take a FREE money masterclass with Money For Life Elearning videos

student finance notes

Interview tips on saving money when going to job interviews


Why 22 is a good age to think about your pension – yes, really!

understanding student loans

Understanding Student Loans

Let’s talk about growing your money skills…

Have you thought about boosting your life and work skills?

Developing the 5 most important skills we need is something you can do for free, in your own time. You can start building those skills with Youth Employment UK wherever you are on life’s journey. It can be a big help when you don’t know what to do next.

Take charge of your life

With Young Professional training you can:
  • Boost your confidence
  • Feel like you’re taking charge of your life
  • Learn more about your wants and needs
  • Give yourself more options – both now and later down the line