300,000 viewing our skills and careers hub

We are excited to announce that more than 300,000 young people have viewed the skills and careers hub on our site in 2018 so far!

The careers hub went live in October 2017 in response to hearing from young people that they were not getting equal access to careers information.

Youth Employment UK knows just how important good careers information is, young people who have access to good and impartial careers information, advice and guidance, contact with employers and work experience feel more confident in their journey to employment and are less likely to be NEET (not in education, employment or training). We also know how exciting the world of work is and what amazing opportunities there are for young people today. Young people should feel inspired about their futures.

Careers education has been a hotly debated topic even since before our creation in 2012 and has been at the hands of significant policy and investment change. Things are changing with a renewed commitment from DfE along with their investment in the Careers and Enterprise Company which is good to see, but there is still patchy provision. Young people outside of education are also less likely to get careers support at a time when they need it most.

Young people need to know they can access and trust good information, that is is freely available to them throughout their various transition points. That is why the skills and careers resources we have created are free to access to all 14-24 year olds (and anyone else who can benefit from them).

The significant and growing number of users this year tells us just how much young people want this information. We continue to respond to that demand by adding more information and career roles. We could not do this without the support of our Youth Friendly Employers, Supporters, Partners and Patrons, so thank you all!

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Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.

Early careers strategy support

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As experts on youth employment and co-founders of the Youth Employment Group, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, employers and policy makers.