3 activities you can do this week to share your views and boost your skills

Number 3

2017 has been a buzz of activity, take a look and see how you can improve your employability skills, support youth employment and win a trip to Poland – what is not to like about that?!

We have 3 activities you can do this week to improve your own skills and help improve youth employment, take a look and get involved in all 3.

Share your story with our Education to Employment Survey

Number 1Young people, their voices and opinions are key to the work we do at Youth Employment UK. To support our work as the Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary group for Youth Employment we are looking for your views on how well you were or are being prepared for the world after leaving education. We want to know what skills you want to learn, who you think should be helping you and when you want help and support. Spare us 5 minutes of your time and help contribute to our report on the transition from education to employment.

Complete the survey here.

Find out more about the APPG here.

Win a trip to Cracow, Poland by sharing your ideas for creating opportunities in Youth Employment

Number 2How would you like to travel to Poland to give your views on equal opportunities on youth employment?

We are offering one lucky person the opportunity to travel to Cracow, Poland to represent Youth Employment UK as a commentator on equal opportunities and local action for Youth Employment. Youth Employment UK have been invited to participate in the 3rd European Congress of Local Governments taking place in Cracow, Poland between 27th and 28th of March.

Find out more and how to enter here.

Complete the Youth Employment UK Young Professional

Number 3The Youth Employment Young Professional is a free way to develop your skills and boost your career confidence. A free programme for 16 – 24 year olds to support the develop employability, technical and behavioural skills. Complete the programme to gain access to exclusive information and support developing as a Young Professional.

Find out more here.

Already a Young Professional? Do you know about our Ambassador programme?

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Discover Youth Friendly Employers

Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.

Early careers strategy support

Youth Employment UK Membership is a strategic step for organisations of all sizes who want support and recognition for their commitment to creating quality early career opportunities in line with Good Youth Employment Standards.

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As experts on youth employment and co-founders of the Youth Employment Group, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, employers and policy makers.